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Identifying Biased Features Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to identify features that help your models in a way that might just be too good to be true. This can happen if there was a problem with the way the dataset was put together, if the machine learning problem wasn't scoped properly, or even because of a bug in one of the feature generators. At times it is hard to understand what a model is really doing, behind the scenes. That's where MLDB's classifier.explain comes to the rescue. In particular, it can help discover that a model is cheating, or in other words, that it has learnt to use bits of information that won't be available when applying the model in real life.

To illustrate this, we are going to train a model on some data where we know a feature is biased. You can find the details here. Basically the task is to predict if the client will subscribe to a term deposit after he receives a call from the bank, given some informations about the client (the employee calling, scocioeconomic conditions at the time, etc.).

Setting up

The notebook cells below use pymldb's Connection class to make REST API calls. You can check out the Using pymldb Tutorial for more details.

In [2]:
import pymldb
mldb = pymldb.Connection()

Importing the data

Let's start by importing the data, which we have copied on our servers.

In [3]:
print mldb.put('/v1/procedures/_', {
    'type': 'import.text',
    'params': {
        'outputDataset': 'bank_raw',
        'delimiter': ';'
<Response [201]>

Here is a sneak peek of the data.

In [4]:
FROM bank_raw
age campaign "cons.conf.idx" "cons.price.idx" contact day_of_week default duration education "emp.var.rate" ... housing job loan marital month "nr.employed" pdays poutcome previous y
2 56 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 261 basic.4y 1.1 ... no housemaid no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
3 57 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon unknown 149 1.1 ... no services no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
4 37 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 226 1.1 ... yes services no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
5 40 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 151 basic.6y 1.1 ... no admin. no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
6 56 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 307 1.1 ... no services yes married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
7 45 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon unknown 198 basic.9y 1.1 ... no services no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
8 59 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 139 professional.course 1.1 ... no admin. no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
9 41 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon unknown 217 unknown 1.1 ... no blue-collar no married may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
10 24 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 380 professional.course 1.1 ... yes technician no single may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no
11 25 1 -36.4 93.994 telephone mon no 50 1.1 ... yes services no single may 5191 999 nonexistent 0 no

10 rows × 21 columns

Training a first model

We can train a model on a random selection of 75% of the data, keeping the other 25% for testing.

In [6]:
print mldb.put('/v1/procedures/_', {
    'type': 'classifier.train',
    'params': {
        'trainingData': """
            SELECT {* EXCLUDING (y)} AS features,
                   y = 'yes' AS label
            FROM bank_raw
            WHERE rowHash() % 4 != 0
        'modelFileUrl': 'file://bank_model.cls',
        'algorithm': 'bbdt',
        'functionName': 'score',
        'mode': 'boolean'
<Response [201]>

This creates a classifier function named "score" that we can use on examples from our test set. The higher the score, the more likely the client is going to subscribe. We can try it on examples from our test set.

In [7]:
SELECT score({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}}) AS *
FROM bank_raw
WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0
12 -7.475498
13 -3.350219
20 -2.513726
22 -7.387843
27 -4.639734
29 -3.118614
31 -2.225752
32 -2.396882
37 -2.346199
40 -0.560522

Now let's see how well our model does on the 25% of the data we didn't train on and get a feel of how good it should perform in real life.

In [6]:
mldb.put('/v1/procedures/_', {
    'type': 'classifier.test',
    'params': {
        'testingData': """
            SELECT score: score({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}})[score], label: y = 'yes'
            FROM bank_raw
            WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0
        'outputDataset': 'bank_test',
        'mode': 'boolean'
PUT http://localhost/v1/procedures/_
201 Created
  "status": {
    "firstRun": {
      "runStarted": "2016-12-15T16:31:28.7723858Z", 
      "status": {
        "auc": 0.9490764329728899, 
        "bestMcc": {
          "pr": {
            "recall": 0.8323404255319149, 
            "f1Score": 0.6522174058019339, 
            "precision": 0.5361842105263158, 
            "accuracy": 0.8989830508474577
          "mcc": 0.616090015078905, 
          "gain": 4.711576147816349, 
          "threshold": -0.1347393393516541, 
          "counts": {
            "falseNegatives": 197.0, 
            "truePositives": 978.0, 
            "trueNegatives": 8304.0, 
            "falsePositives": 846.0
          "population": {
            "included": 1824.0, 
            "excluded": 8501.0
        "bestF1Score": {
          "pr": {
            "recall": 0.774468085106383, 
            "f1Score": 0.6537356321839081, 
            "precision": 0.5655686761963953, 
            "accuracy": 0.9066343825665859
          "mcc": 0.6112159939340592, 
          "gain": 4.969784324874707, 
          "threshold": 0.03156408667564392, 
          "counts": {
            "falseNegatives": 265.0, 
            "truePositives": 910.0, 
            "trueNegatives": 8451.0, 
            "falsePositives": 699.0
          "population": {
            "included": 1609.0, 
            "excluded": 8716.0
      "runFinished": "2016-12-15T16:31:28.946914Z", 
      "id": "2016-12-15T16:31:28.772233Z-463496b56263af05", 
      "state": "finished"
  "config": {
    "params": {
      "outputDataset": "bank_test", 
      "mode": "boolean", 
      "testingData": "\n            SELECT score: score({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}})[score], label: y = 'yes'\n            FROM bank_raw\n            WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0\n            "
    "type": "classifier.test", 
    "id": "_"
  "state": "ok", 
  "type": "classifier.test", 
  "id": "_"

As we can see by inspecting the different statistics returned by the classifier.test procedure, that model seems to be doing pretty good! The AUC is 0.95: let's ship this thing in production right now! ... Or let's be cautious!

To understand what's going on, let's use the classifier.explain function. This will give us an idea of how much each feature helps (or hurts) in making the predictions.

In [7]:
print mldb.put('/v1/functions/explain', {
    'type': 'classifier.explain',
    'params': {
        'modelFileUrl': 'file://bank_model.cls'
<Response [201]>

You can "explain" every single example, and know how much each feature influences the final score, like this:

In [8]:
SELECT explain({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}, label: y = 'yes'}) AS *
FROM bank_raw
WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0
bias explanation."""cons.conf.idx""" explanation."""cons.price.idx""" explanation."""emp.var.rate""" explanation."""nr.employed""" explanation.age explanation.campaign explanation.day_of_week explanation.default ... explanation.euribor3m explanation.housing explanation.job explanation.marital explanation.month explanation.pdays explanation.poutcome explanation.previous
12 -0.162905 0.022677 0.093657 1.469614 0.376465 0.074452 -0.021097 -0.047695 0.222051 -0.037208 ... 0.037822 0.533715 0.089397 0.189035 -0.008093 -0.012833 0.424642 0.005083 -0.030940 -0.010325
13 -0.162905 0.030544 0.090608 0.916880 0.445076 -0.050926 -0.042987 -0.003224 0.031379 0.018937 ... 0.106647 0.538069 0.006190 0.014812 -0.008093 0.016223 0.363747 0.005083 -0.012902 -0.018336
20 -0.162905 0.049367 0.061987 0.590823 0.410140 0.024434 -0.036943 0.027854 0.031038 0.018937 ... 0.059389 0.568708 0.006190 0.061179 0.051233 -0.012833 0.361657 0.005083 -0.012902 -0.010325
22 -0.162905 0.022677 0.122279 1.448991 0.378711 0.009985 -0.023978 -0.003224 0.212649 0.018937 ... 0.106647 0.523122 0.089397 0.009036 -0.008093 -0.012833 0.424642 0.005083 -0.030940 -0.010325
27 -0.162905 0.027629 0.061987 1.352641 0.394306 0.074452 -0.039815 -0.063717 0.040781 0.018937 ... 0.007022 0.430805 -0.005593 0.014591 0.051233 -0.012833 0.600313 0.008857 -0.012902 -0.010325
29 -0.162905 0.049367 0.061987 0.802011 0.446966 0.117882 -0.047219 -0.063717 0.040781 -0.037208 ... 0.037511 0.548662 -0.007611 0.046389 -0.008093 -0.012833 0.366491 0.005083 -0.012902 -0.010325
31 -0.162905 0.043766 0.057420 0.570200 0.396533 -0.020884 -0.035124 0.023319 0.064483 -0.037208 ... -0.031509 0.568708 -0.073198 0.195006 0.189248 -0.114817 0.282614 0.008857 -0.012902 -0.009871
32 -0.162905 0.049367 0.098399 0.570200 0.410140 0.086879 -0.037234 0.063220 0.040781 0.018937 ... 0.006318 0.568708 -0.007611 -0.070634 -0.008093 -0.012833 0.358914 0.005083 -0.012902 -0.010436
37 -0.162905 0.049367 0.061987 0.570200 0.454470 -0.020884 -0.035124 -0.063717 0.031038 -0.037208 ... -0.014986 0.568708 0.006190 0.195006 -0.033121 -0.012833 0.358914 0.005083 -0.012902 -0.009871
40 -0.162905 0.033917 0.125016 0.305734 0.410140 0.081519 -0.036943 0.063220 0.040781 0.018937 ... -0.053242 0.426775 0.008209 -0.055832 -0.008093 -0.012833 0.138620 0.006721 -0.012902 -0.010436

10 rows × 21 columns

Or you can do the average on all the examples. Here we then transpose the result and sort it by the absolute value.

In [9]:
FROM transpose((
    SELECT avg({explain({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}, label: y='yes'})[explanation] as *}) AS *
    NAMED 'explanation'
    FROM bank_raw
    WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0
ORDER BY abs(explanation) DESC
duration 1.391909
"""emp.var.rate""" 0.533359
euribor3m 0.367528
"""nr.employed""" 0.365880
month 0.120450
age 0.030606
campaign 0.028834
"""cons.conf.idx""" 0.024768
"""cons.price.idx""" 0.020994
pdays 0.020351
day_of_week 0.019881
education 0.015184
job 0.010417
default 0.006594
poutcome 0.006276
previous -0.006031
contact 0.005695
housing 0.002711
loan 0.001845
marital -0.000385

Now what is striking here is that there is one feature that really stands out: duration. This is the actual duration of the call. Clearly, that information would not be available in a real life setting: you can't know the duration of a call before it's over, and when it's over you already know if the client has subscribed or not. If you look at the detailed description of the data, you can in fact see a warning saying that using that piece of information is probably a bad idea for any realistic modeling.

Retraining without the biased feature

Now that we have identified the feature that is responsible for those suspiciously good results, let's train and test again, but adding duration to the excluded columns so that it is not used by the model.

In [10]:
print mldb.put('/v1/procedures/_', {
    'type': 'classifier.train',
    'params': {
        'trainingData': """
            SELECT {* EXCLUDING (y, duration)} AS features,
                   y = 'yes' AS label
            FROM bank_raw
            WHERE rowHash() % 4 != 0
        'modelFileUrl': 'file://bank_model.cls',
        'algorithm': 'bbdt',
        'functionName': 'score',
        'mode': 'boolean'
<Response [201]>
In [11]:
mldb.put('/v1/procedures/_', {
    'type': 'classifier.test',
    'params': {
        'testingData': """
            SELECT score: score({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}})[score], label: y = 'yes'
            FROM bank_raw
            WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0
        'outputDataset': 'bank_test',
        'mode': 'boolean'
PUT http://localhost/v1/procedures/_
201 Created
  "status": {
    "firstRun": {
      "runStarted": "2016-12-15T16:31:30.566227Z", 
      "status": {
        "auc": 0.7986184862225458, 
        "bestMcc": {
          "pr": {
            "recall": 0.5557446808510639, 
            "f1Score": 0.5011511895625479, 
            "precision": 0.4563242487770789, 
            "accuracy": 0.87409200968523
          "mcc": 0.4326346653063816, 
          "gain": 4.00982797329646, 
          "threshold": -0.1314646601676941, 
          "counts": {
            "falseNegatives": 522.0, 
            "truePositives": 653.0, 
            "trueNegatives": 8372.0, 
            "falsePositives": 778.0
          "population": {
            "included": 1431.0, 
            "excluded": 8894.0
        "bestF1Score": {
          "pr": {
            "recall": 0.5557446808510639, 
            "f1Score": 0.5011511895625479, 
            "precision": 0.4563242487770789, 
            "accuracy": 0.87409200968523
          "mcc": 0.4326346653063816, 
          "gain": 4.00982797329646, 
          "threshold": -0.1314646601676941, 
          "counts": {
            "falseNegatives": 522.0, 
            "truePositives": 653.0, 
            "trueNegatives": 8372.0, 
            "falsePositives": 778.0
          "population": {
            "included": 1431.0, 
            "excluded": 8894.0
      "runFinished": "2016-12-15T16:31:30.732396Z", 
      "id": "2016-12-15T16:31:30.566155Z-463496b56263af05", 
      "state": "finished"
  "config": {
    "params": {
      "outputDataset": "bank_test", 
      "mode": "boolean", 
      "testingData": "\n            SELECT score: score({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}})[score], label: y = 'yes'\n            FROM bank_raw\n            WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0\n            "
    "type": "classifier.test", 
    "id": "_"
  "state": "ok", 
  "type": "classifier.test", 
  "id": "_"

Now a AUC of 0.80 sounds more reasonable!

If we run the explanation again, the highest ranking features seem more legitimate.

In [12]:
print mldb.put('/v1/functions/explain', {
    'type': 'classifier.explain',
    'params': {
        'modelFileUrl': 'file://bank_model.cls'
<Response [201]>
In [13]:
FROM transpose((
    SELECT avg({explain({features: {* EXCLUDING (y)}, label: y='yes'})[explanation] as *}) AS *
    NAMED 'explanation'
    FROM bank_raw
    WHERE rowHash() % 4 = 0
ORDER BY abs(explanation) DESC
euribor3m 0.419913
"""nr.employed""" 0.215071
"""emp.var.rate""" 0.071023
campaign 0.027480
poutcome 0.019888
"""cons.conf.idx""" 0.019198
month 0.018006
pdays 0.011858
contact 0.010918
age 0.010127
"""cons.price.idx""" 0.007808
day_of_week 0.005137
job 0.004162
previous -0.003373
marital 0.003092
education 0.002887
loan 0.001451
default 0.001364
housing 0.000671


We have shown how to use MLDB to identify "too good to be true" features when training a model. Keep in mind that features that really help are not necessarily biased, they might just be really good features! Understanding your data is key, and the tool presented here makes it much simpler.

Where to next?

Check out the other Tutorials and Demos.