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Investigating the Panama Papers

This demo will show how to do simple data exploration using MLDB. We will use the the Offshore Leaks Database from ICIJ. It contains data about offshore entities from the Panama Papers and the Offshore Leaks investigations. We will be showing off the capabilities of MLDB's SQL engine and how easy it is to create simple charts using a few external python libraries. Note that even though the data is coming from our servers, no transformation has been made to the original data: all the parsing and transformations are done here using MLDB.

WARNING: This demo requires 4GB of memory to run. If you are running this demo on VirtualBox, make sure enough memory is allocated to the virtual machine or the notebook may not run successfully.

In [1]:
from pymldb import Connection
mldb = Connection()
In [2]:
# loading some plotting libraries and setting some defaults
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import rcParams'fivethirtyeight')
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 5
rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'white'
rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white'

from bokeh.charts import Line, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from import output_notebook
Loading BokehJS ...

Offshore Entities

When using real-life data to do data science, a lot of time is spend getting the data in the right format. In this example, the original date in the data is not formatted correctly to be parsed into a timestamp. This is something we need to easily extract the year from it later on. One very powerful feature of MLDB is the jseval function, that allows us to execute arbitrary JavaScript code inline in SQL. This allows us to use JavaScript's Date object to easily parse the date for us. The other columns are straightforwardly loaded by MLDB.

In [3]:
data_dir = ''
print"/v1/procedures", {
    "type": 'import.text',
    "params": {
        "dataFileUrl": data_dir + 'Entities.csv.gz',
        "delimiter": ',',
        "encoding": 'latin1',
        "runOnCreation": True,
        "outputDataset": 'entities_raw',
        "ignoreBadLines": True,

print mldb.put('/v1/functions/parse_date', {
    'type': 'sql.expression',
    'params': {
        'expression': "jseval('return d ? new Date(d) : null;', 'd', date) as parsed_date"

print'/v1/procedures', {
    'type': 'transform',
    'params': {
        'inputData': """
                * EXCLUDING(incorporation_date, inactivation_date, struck_off_date, dorm_date),
                parse_date({date: incorporation_date})[parsed_date] AS incorporation_date,
                parse_date({date: inactivation_date})[parsed_date] AS inactivation_date,
                parse_date({date: struck_off_date})[parsed_date] AS struck_off_date,
                parse_date({date: dorm_date})[parsed_date] AS dorm_date
             FROM entities_raw
        'outputDataset': 'entities',
        'runOnCreation': True
<Response [201]>
<Response [201]>
<Response [201]>

This is what the created dataset looks like:

In [4]:
mldb.query("SELECT * FROM entities LIMIT 5")
address company_type countries country_codes ibcRUC incorporation_date jurisdiction jurisdiction_description name node_id service_provider sourceID status valid_until inactivation_date internal_id original_name struck_off_date
234977 Portcullis TrustNet Chambers P.O. Box 3444 Roa... Business Company Limited by Shares British Virgin Islands VGB 1019510 2006-04-03T00:00:00Z BVI British Virgin Islands Signature Management International Limited 149976 Portcullis Trustnet Offshore Leaks Active The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010 None NaN None None
212107 FIGEST CONSEIL S.A. 20, RUE DU CONSEIL-GENERAL... None Switzerland CHE 4742 1999-08-12T00:00:00Z NIUE Niue SUNFLOWER S.A. 10212959 Mossack Fonseca Panama Papers Dissolved The Panama Papers data is current through 2015 2005-01-19T00:00:00Z 900146 SUNFLOWER S.A. 2006-04-12T00:00:00Z
234971 Portcullis TrustNet Chambers P.O. Box 3444 Roa... Business Company Limited by Shares British Virgin Islands VGB 1390171 2007-03-07T00:00:00Z BVI British Virgin Islands Meilin Electronics Information Technology (HK)... 153611 Portcullis Trustnet Offshore Leaks Active The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010 None NaN None None
234963 Portcullis TrustNet Chambers P.O. Box 3444 Roa... Business Company Limited by Shares British Virgin Islands VGB 1019846 2006-04-04T00:00:00Z BVI British Virgin Islands EWING TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 149954 Portcullis Trustnet Offshore Leaks Active The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010 None NaN None None
225788 None Standard International Company British Virgin Islands VGB 82919 1993-04-07T00:00:00Z BVI British Virgin Islands PEIPUS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 143357 Portcullis Trustnet Offshore Leaks Struck / Defunct / Deregistered The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010 None NaN None None

We can now count the number of offshore companies per jurisdiction (the country when they are legally located).

In [5]:
def bar_plot(dataframe, title='', print_table=True):
    """ plot the result of a query in a bar chart """
    if print_table:
        print dataframe
    ax = dataframe.plot(kind='bar')
    for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
    return ax

data = mldb.query("""
SELECT count(*) AS count
NAMED jurisdiction_description
FROM entities
WHERE jurisdiction != 'XXX'
GROUP BY jurisdiction_description
bar_plot(data, 'Nb of entities per jurisdiction')
British Virgin Islands    151587
Panama                     48373
Bahamas                    15946
Seychelles                 15580
Samoa                      13418
Niue                        9611
British Anguilla            3253
Cook Islands                2637
Hong Kong                   1603
Nevada                      1260
Singapore                    740
Cayman                       668
Labuan                       423
United Kingdom               151
Belize                       130
Mauritius                     82
Cyprus                        79
Costa Rica                    78
Malaysia                      71
Uruguay                       52
New Zealand                   47
Jersey                        39
Wyoming                       37
Malta                         28
Liberia                       11
Isle Of Man                    8
Marshall Islands               6
Bermuda                        6
Vanuatu                        5
"St. Lucia"                    4
Netherlands                    2
Ras Al Khaimah                 2
Dubai                          2
Thailand                       2
United States Of America       2
Brunei                         2
Ireland                        1
China                          1
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa0176f8bd0>

We can also look at the number of offshore companies created each year. Here we use the date_part function to extract the year, and then we GROUP BY on that year and count the number of companies.

In [6]:
SELECT count(*) as count
NAMED year
    SELECT date_part('year', incorporation_date) AS year
    FROM entities
    WHERE incorporation_date IS NOT NULL
WHERE year BETWEEN 1977 AND 2016
"""), title='nb of incorporated offshore companies in the panama papers', print_table=False)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa017016810>

We can do something similar but also group on the country, and see how many offshore companies were created per year per country. We only keep the top countries using a IN statement.

In [7]:
data = mldb.query("""
    year, country, count(*) AS count
    FROM (
        SELECT date_part('year', incorporation_date) AS year,
               jurisdiction_description AS country
        FROM entities
        WHERE incorporation_date IS NOT NULL
              AND (jurisdiction_description IN (
                SELECT jurisdiction_description
                FROM entities
                WHERE jurisdiction != 'XXX'
                GROUP BY jurisdiction_description
                ORDER BY count(*) DESC
                LIMIT 20
    WHERE year BETWEEN 1977 AND 2016
    GROUP BY country, year
    ORDER BY country, year
In [8]:
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("year", "$x"),("count", "$y"),("country", "@country")])
line = Line(data, x='year', y='count', color='country', legend='top_left', width=1000, tools=[hover])

<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[8]>

On thing that pops out is that the British Virgin Islands is a very popular choice! Also, we can see that in the beginning of the 2000s, the number of offshore companies created in Niue and the Bahamas dropped in favour of Panama, Samoa and the Seychelles.


Now let's have a look at intermediaries (banks, law firms, etc.) helping in the process of creating an offshore compagny.

In [9]:
print"/v1/procedures", {
    "type": 'import.text',
    "params": {
        "dataFileUrl": data_dir + 'Intermediaries.csv.gz',
        "delimiter": ',',
        "encoding": 'latin1',
        "runOnCreation": True,
        "outputDataset": 'intermediaries',
        "ignoreBadLines": True,
<Response [201]>
In [10]:
mldb.query("SELECT * FROM intermediaries LIMIT 5")
address countries country_codes internal_id name node_id sourceID status valid_until
2 MICHAEL PAPAGEORGE; MR. 106 NICHOLSON STREET B... South Africa ZAF 10001 MICHAEL PAPAGEORGE, MR. 11000001 Panama Papers ACTIVE The Panama Papers data is current through 2015
3 None Liechtenstein LIE 10004 CORFIDUCIA ANSTALT 11000002 Panama Papers ACTIVE The Panama Papers data is current through 2015
4 None Monaco MCO 10014 DAVID, RONALD 11000003 Panama Papers SUSPENDED The Panama Papers data is current through 2015
5 None Belgium BEL 10015 DE BOUTSELIS, JEAN-PIERRE 11000004 Panama Papers SUSPENDED The Panama Papers data is current through 2015
6 None Lebanon LBN 10029 THE LEVANT LAWYERS (TLL) 11000005 Panama Papers ACTIVE The Panama Papers data is current through 2015

Let's see how they are distributed geographically. First we need split the countries, using the tokenize function, because some of them are linked to multiple countries (separated by a semicolon in the countries column). Then we transpose the dataset, because we want the countries to be the rows. Finally, for each row (i.e. each country), we calculate the horizontal_sum of all the intermediaries.

In [11]:
data = mldb.query("""
SELECT horizontal_sum({*}) as nb_intermediaries
FROM transpose((
    SELECT tokenize(countries, {splitChars: ';'}) AS *
    FROM intermediaries
    WHERE countries IS NOT NULL
WHERE horizontal_sum({*}) > 100
ORDER BY nb_intermediaries DESC
bar_plot(data, 'Nb of intermediaries per country')
Hong Kong                          4902
United Kingdom                     2106
United States                      1540
Switzerland                        1339
Taiwan                             1324
Singapore                          1315
China                               657
Panama                              600
Indonesia                           530
Guatemala                           444
Not identified                      417
Luxembourg                          411
Brazil                              406
Thailand                            362
Malaysia                            354
Jersey                              340
Ecuador                             325
Uruguay                             300
Guernsey                            249
Canada                              242
Colombia                            233
Isle of Man                         213
Spain                               211
Australia                           201
Venezuela                           188
Cyprus                              183
United Arab Emirates                182
Monaco                              178
Israel                              148
Russia                              140
France                              127
Costa Rica                          125
Liechtenstein                       123
Bahamas                             122
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa016ee4a50>


Now let's have a look at the Officers' data, the owners being the offshore entities.

In [12]:
print"/v1/procedures", {
    "type": 'import.text',
    "params": {
        "dataFileUrl": data_dir + 'Officers.csv.gz',
        "delimiter": ',',
        "encoding": 'latin1',
        "runOnCreation": True,
        "outputDataset": 'officers',
        "ignoreBadLines": True
<Response [201]>
In [13]:
mldb.query('SELECT * FROM officers LIMIT 5')
countries country_codes name node_id sourceID valid_until
318399 Not identified XXX Xu Ming Gang 66866 Offshore Leaks The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010
318400 Not identified XXX Indo-East Engineering & Construction Pte Ltd 66867 Offshore Leaks The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010
318401 Not identified XXX Great State Development Limited 66868 Offshore Leaks The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010
318402 Cayman Islands CYM Hong Kong Bank International Trustee Limited -... 45097 Offshore Leaks The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010
318403 Hong Kong HKG CHEN Chia Long, Carlos ??? 45098 Offshore Leaks The Offshore Leaks data is current through 2010

And we also need all the links between those officers. The next dataset actually contains links between everything we have loaded so far. They are called "edges" as edges in a graph, and our entities/intermediaries/officers are the nodes of the graph.

In [14]:
print"/v1/procedures", {
    "type": 'import.text',
    "params": {
        "dataFileUrl": data_dir + 'all_edges.csv.gz',
        "delimiter": ',',
        "encoding": 'latin1',
        "runOnCreation": True,
        "outputDataset": 'edges',
        "ignoreBadLines": True,
        "select": "* EXCLUDING (rel_type), lower(rel_type) AS rel_type"
<Response [201]>
In [15]:
mldb.query('SELECT * FROM edges LIMIT 5')
node_1 node_2 rel_type
2 11000001 10208879 intermediary of
3 11000001 10198662 intermediary of
4 11000001 10159927 intermediary of
5 11000001 10165779 intermediary of
6 11000001 10152967 intermediary of

Let's explore a bit and list the main type of links in the graph.

In [16]:
SELECT count(*) AS count
NAMED rel_type
FROM edges
GROUP BY rel_type
shareholder of 382788
intermediary of 319121
registered address 316472
director of 118589
similar name and address as 46761
records & registers of 36318
beneficiary of 19182
secretary of 14351
same name and registration date as 3146
beneficial owner of 1872
trustee of trust of 1418
trust settlor of 1234
authorised person / signatory of 1229
protector of 1198
nominee shareholder of 1130
same address as 960
related entity 622
assistant secretary of 583
alternate director of 409
co-trustee of trust of 320

We can then use those links to see for example what officers are shareholders of what offshore entities, using a simple JOIN. We can then filter to keep only the "the bearer" (or "el portador" in Spanish) kind of shareholders. Those are the most secretive ones, not keeping track of who is really behind the shares. Finally we group those by the country of the offshore company and by year.

In [17]:
data = mldb.query("""
SELECT count(*) as count, country, year
  SELECT en.jurisdiction_description as country, date_part('year', en.incorporation_date) as year, en.jurisdiction
  FROM edges as e
  JOIN officers as o
    ON o.node_id = e.node_1
  JOIN entities as en
    ON en.node_id = e.node_2
  WHERE ((lower( LIKE '%the bearer%') OR (lower( LIKE '%el portador%'))
        AND e.rel_type = 'shareholder of'
        AND (en.jurisdiction != 'XXX')
GROUP BY country, year""")
In [18]:
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("year", "$x"),("count", "$y"),("country", "@country")])
line = Line(data, x='year', y='count', color='country', legend='top_left', width=1000, tools=[hover],
            title='Number of "bearer" shareholders per offshore jurisdictions')

<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[18]>

You can clearly see when the British Virgin Islands started to add more regulation on bearer shares, and when they switched to other countries.


This was a quick overview of how we can use MLDB to explore data, using its powerful yet simple SQL-like interface. You can find more advanced uses of MLDB in our other demos and tutorials.