Dataset Configuration

A dataset configuration object is used to create or load a dataset.

It is a JSON object that looks like this:

  "id": <id>, 
  "type": <type>, 
  "params": { 

Not all three of these fields are required in all contexts:

The following types of datasets are available:

behMemory-mappable dataset type to efficiently store behavioural data[doc]
beh.binaryMemory-mappable dataset type to efficiently store binary valued behavioural data[doc]
beh.binary.mutableRecordable dataset designed to store binary valued behavioral data[doc]
beh.mutableRecordable dataset designed to store behavioral data[doc]
embeddingDataset to record a set of coordinates per row[doc]
mergedMerges together several datasets into one virtual dataset[doc]
mongodb.datasetDataset type that forwards records to a MongoDB database[doc]
mongodb.recordDataset type that forwards records to a MongoDB database[doc]
sampledDataset that samples another dataset[doc]
sparse.mutableSparse dataset which can be recorded to[doc]
sqliteSparseSQLite-backed fully consistent, persistent, mutable sparse database[doc]
tabularDense dataset which can be recorded to[doc]
transposedDataset that interchanges rows and columns[doc]
unionUnify together several datasets[doc]

See also