Running MLDB in batch mode

MLDB can be run in batch mode by running the executable directly via docker:

docker run \
  --rm=true \
  -v </absolute/path/to/mldb_data>:/mldb_data \
  -e MLDB_IDS="`id`" \ /opt/bin/mldb_runner \
  --plugin-directory /opt/mldb/plugins \
  --run-script /mldb_data/<script>

The <script> argument can be local (in the mldb_data directory) or hosted. For privately accessible location, one must provide the proper credentials on the command-line as documented below.

If you want MLDB to continue to run after the script is done, you may wish to pass the HTTP arguments and make Docker listen on a port, as so:

docker run \
  --rm=true \
  -v </absolute/path/to/mldb_data>:/mldb_data \
  -e MLDB_IDS="`id`" \
  -p<mldbport>:80 \ /opt/bin/mldb_runner \
  --http-listen-port 80 \
  --plugin-directory /opt/mldb/plugins \
  --dont-exit-after-script yes \
  --run-script /mldb_data/<script>

Passing arguments to the MLDB script

The --script-args <json blob> option can be used to pass in arguments to the run script. The argument should be in the form of a JSON object, array or value. The arguments will be available to the script depending upon the language; see the language documentation for more details.

The --script-args-url <url> option can be used to read the script arguments from a URL. The contents of the URL must be a JSON object, array or value.

Making credentials available to MLDB in batch mode

Credentials are JSON objects that have the following format:

Field, Type, DefaultDescription


Type of resource that this credential rule applies to. Currently, resources of type aws:s3 are supported when accessing AWS S3.


Resource that this credential rule applies to. This is a URI style path. If the requested resource match this prefix, the credentials will be used. The most specific match is used. If this is empty, the credentials will be used for all resources of type resourceType.


Date on which credentials expire. After this date they will no longer match.


Extra credential parameters. Some credentials types require extra information; that information can be put here. See the documentation for the specific credentials type for more information.


Credentials for when the pattern matches. These will be returned to the caller if the above rules match.

with the credential field (which define the actual credentials and the resource to access) as follows:

Field, Type, DefaultDescription


Provider of credentials. This is an identifier that could help locating where the credentials are stored.


Protocol to use to access the service


Location of the service. This is used where there are multiple places that the same service can be provided, but we want to access the most local one.


User ID to use to access the service. This is sometimes called the key ID or user name.


Secret key to use to access the service. This is sometimes called the access key or password. It is secret and sensitive.


Extra configuration needed to access the service. Some service providers require extra information that can't be added to the rest of the fields, and that information should go here. See the documentation for the service providers for more information.


Time until which the credential is valid. After this date the credentials should not be used; instead a new call should be made to get new credentials.

There are examples of credentials under the Url page.

Credentials can be passed in to MLDB in batch mode via one or both of the following means:

  1. Passing them on the command line in a JSON blob, using the --add-credential command line option, with the credentials following. This can be used multiple times to pass in multiple credentials objects.
  2. Putting them into a file, and providing the URL of the file to the --add-credentials-url command line option. If credentials are needed to access the URL, then they should be added using the --add-credential option before hand.

    The contents of the file at the URL can either be:

Loading plugins in batch mode

MLDB will not automatically load any plugins in batch mode. To make it do so, add the --plugin-directory <dir> option to the command line. If the directory contains an mldb_plugin.json file, then that will be loaded immediately. If the directory contains no mldb_plugin.json file, but does contain subdirectories, than each subdirectory will be scanned recursively and found plugins loaded.

Note that at a minimum, you will likely want to load up plugins from /opt/mldb/plugins as in the above examples.

Muting last log on error

When MLDB ends with an error condition, by default it logs data about the run. It can be disabled by using the --mute-final-output flag.

Environment Variables (advanced usage)

The following environment variables control MLDB: